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GDA has always supported Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Pride in Glasgow.

In 2017 a small group of GDA members decided that more needed to be done to create a safe, inclusive community space for LGBT+ disabled people. GDA supported this group to develop and run a workshop at Glasgow’s Free Pride event that year – with a jam-packed room full of disabled LGBT+ people sharing their experiences and priorities for building a more inclusive community.

In 2018, with support from LGBT Health and Wellbeing, the Equality Network and Glasgow Equality Forum, our LGBT Disabled People’s Space was founded.

With transport, accessible venues and personal assistance provided, the group enables LGBT disabled people to create their own community space when many LGBT+ spaces lack vital accessibility.

The group provides:

The group has contributed their unique, intersectional perspectives and lived experience to:

Or read the transcript here.

To find out more about the LGBT+ group, contact [email protected]