GDA understands that on top of the disabling barriers that all our members face, disabled people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds face additional barriers and exclusion caused by the racism – conscious and unconscious – that exists across our society.
GDA’s mission is to improve the lives and increase the participation of all disabled people in Glasgow. To address the multiple inequalities faced by disabled people of colour, GDA’s BAME members’ network offers a dedicated safe space which centres the voices, vital expertise and lived experience of our BAME disabled members.
The network is coordinated by a BAME member of staff, and sessions are devised in collaboration with our BAME members. This is a place to share and celebrate culture, unpack microaggressions, discuss the complex intersection between race and disability, and of course, talk about food. Sessions have focused on local history, arts and crafts, music, cultural heritage, and understanding our rights. This group also welcomes and includes disabled asylum seekers and refugees.
GDA appreciates that the acronym ‘BAME’ is complex and at times contentious, as racism is experienced differently and to varying degrees by different groups of people. We continue to develop these conversations with our minority ethnic staff and members to ensure our language is inclusive and current. While some members of our BAME community find terms like ‘person of colour’, ‘new Scot’ or simply ‘Scottish’ empowering, others may not. We support an individual’s right to self-identify, and stand firmly against racism and oppression in any form.
You can find out more about the BAME network in their leaflet.
Our BAME members’ network is now meeting online! We can help you get online through GDA Connects.
For more information about GDA’s BAME members’ network, contact [email protected].

To get involved or learn more about our BAME network, get in touch at [email protected]