Disabled people are three times more likely to live in poverty, and the UK benefits system has become more complicated, making it harder for disabled people to access their Welfare Rights.
As well as campaigning against the DWP’s welfare reforms, and advising the Scottish Government on a fairer Social Security system, in 2018 Glasgow City Council helped us establish Rights Now! – our own, accessible Welfare Rights service.
For many disabled people, having expert advice and support can make all the difference to successfully claiming your welfare rights or challenging an unfair decision.
To remove barriers, GDA’s Rights Now team offer:
- an appointments system at our accessible office
- transport, personal assistance and communication support
- home visits where required
We also promote uptake of benefits entitlements, through all our outreach, peer support and community engagement.
If you need information, advice or support about a disability benefit issue contact the GDA office on 0141 556 7103 or you can email [email protected]