Ian MacCorquodale
Welfare Rights Manager

Ian is a Welfare Rights Manager with a long track record of maximising benefits and entitlements and helping disabled people to literally claim their rights. Ian joined GDA as a welfare rights officer in October 2018 as part of the Rights Now project just before it launched and so was responsible for shaping the project from the outset. As part of Rights Now, Ian provides an accessible benefit advice and representation service to those living in Glasgow who are disabled or have a long-term health condition as well as to families where there is either a disabled parent, disabled child or both.
Ian helps people by checking their benefit entitlement and also helps with applications, especially form filling. He also helps people to challenge benefit decisions that they are unhappy with and provides representation at benefit tribunals.
Ian has experience of providing benefit advice since 2011. He has performed various roles at Citizens Advice Bureaux in Glasgow as well as a welfare rights role at a local authority. He has lots of experience in providing advice and representation in relation to sickness and disability benefits.
Ian enjoys helping people to navigate the benefit system which involves finding out about rights and entitlements in order to secure them. He especially enjoys helping people to challenge decisions in order to obtain the benefit awards they are entitled to.