Fiona McAloon
Community Navigator

Fiona is the Community Navigator for Future Visions providing support, accessible information, informal advocacy, informal counselling and sign-posting to disabled people who need or use social care and who face barriers in navigating the system. The role goes beyond connecting disabled people to services and facilities because in truth there are often gaps in accessible or available provision. Future Visions therefore commits to working with people for longer to effectively navigate services, facilities and these gaps by also connecting disabled people with and to each other for peer support and to GDA’s own programmes and services.
Fiona has a long work history spanning nursing, commissioning, care work and addictions work. She was most recently a Case Worker for 10 years, supporting those facing addictions and taking pride in building and developing people’s self worth and confidence. She also provided opportunities with and for people to build a whole new lifestyle, including building aspirations and a sense of self worth. Many of her previous clients are now abstinent and working and this has been a long a challenging journey which required support, advocacy and collaborative working with people and partner agencies.
Fiona describes herself as a ‘nurturer by nature’ having worked in various social care settings in her career to date – homecare, palliative nursing and addictions. This includes supporting those at the end of their life, young people and those experiencing the sharp end of poverty and addiction. She has experienced both professionally and personally the barriers disabled people face when trying to access services and supports needed- sometimes at the most harrowing end of life stages.
In her spare time, Fiona loves to be outside in nature – she loves the Highlands of Scotland – and says any chance she gets, she would be on the North Coast 500. She enjoys holistic therapy, especially aromatherapy and Reiki. An animal lover and a countryside person, she sometimes takes her cat to the beach!