
Manifesto for Rights Now! #GE19
PublicationThis Manifesto outlines our calls to action in the run up to the 2019 UK General Election. There were 5 ‘asks’:
End austerity and universal credit
Increase funding for social care
Embed in UK law the UN convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Involve disabled people in designing an accessible, sustainable environment
Protect disabled people’s rights through BrexitDownload NowBudgeting for equality
FilmThis film was first shown at our Participatory Budgeting event on 25 June 2019.
Watch videoYoung People’s project
FilmThis video is the culmination of the work of GDA's project with disabled young people.
Watch videoMeeting new people
FilmThis film is presented by Braige, one of our members who talks about the young people's project over the summer in 2018.
Watch videoGDA’s circus project
FilmThis film talks about a circus project which involved young disabled people from our membership.
Watch videoParticipatory Glasgow – leaving no-one behind
FilmWith the right support, GDA members are taking the lead to tackle barriers in their local areas - while speaking out to improve mainstream services - watch and find out how! #ParticipatoryBudgeting #Equality #HaveYourSay
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