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Run by, and for disabled people

Glasgow Disability Alliance (GDA) is a thriving disabled people led organisation with 5500 members across Greater Glasgow – and counting! We are the biggest groundswell of disabled people in Scotland and a leading example of a grassroots community of identity.

GDA members describe who we are – in 60 seconds!

What we do

Through fully accessible learning, coaching and events, GDA connects disabled people with each other, with opportunities and with decision makers. We recognise talents and strengths and support disabled people to build on these, participate and be leaders in their own lives.

Member led

GDA is controlled by our full voting members: disabled people, people with long term conditions, and disabled people led organisational members in the Glasgow area. GDA’s member organisations make up the Glasgow DPO Network. Many individual members also run their own impairment-specific support groups, e.g. for stroke survivors, or people with MS or Fibromyalgia, and social clubs for older people.

Associate Members

Our associate members are a thriving network of people, partners and allies who support our aims, including friends and family, workers who support disabled people, and partner organisations and providers at local and national levels, e.g. GAMH, Enable Glasgow, Common Knowledge UK, Spinal Injuries Scotland.

About GDA Leaflet

You can find out more about us and the work we do by downloading our leaflet.

Building Confidence

With the right support, disabled people can achieve anything. GDA programmes of learning are fun, free and fully accessible.

From aromatherapy to iPads, from fishing to First Aid – our taster days and longer courses offer something for everyone. Whatever your age or interests – have a go, try something new!

GDA Programmes support you to build confidence, set goals, and feel more in control of your life, helping you get where you want to be. We provide transport and personal assistance for those who need it, to remove barriers so you can tap into the talents, goals and passions you never knew you had!

Creating Connections

Through GDA learning and events, our members connect to:

  • A diverse community of disabled people.
  • A network of peer support – sharing experiences with others in the same boat and identifying barriers, solutions and plans for the future.
  • Information, activities and support services to help you take control of your life.
  • New opportunities and crucial support to have your say, set new goals and fulfil your potential.

Enabling Contributions

Disabled people have valuable skills and talents, which are too often locked away behind barriers. Inaccessible buildings, negative attitudes, low expectations and a lack of crucial support can all stop us making our vital contributions to our lives and communities. GDA supports disabled people to participate and make our valuable contributions to our families, communities, and society.

We are all experts in our own lives. GDA makes sure disabled people’s voices and expertise are at the heart of tackling the barriers we face, and working with partner agencies to plan solutions.