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Disabled People in Glasgow and Scotland have felt deprioritised and dehumanised increasingly over decades and even more so since the last General Election. Successive policies and Governments have failed to tackle our poverty and inequality and the dire situation facing disabled people has been supercharged by national policies and global events e.g. austerity, the pandemic and the cost of living crisis.

Disabled members of GDA describe feeling voiceless and powerless in their own lives. It is essential that we recognise that disabled people in themselves are a seldom heard group: this must not be taken for granted. Indeed, without GDA’s intensive support and capacity building, our disabled members’ voices would be heard less in democracy and in elections.

It is in this context of the dehumanisation of disabled people and the regressions of our human rights that Glasgow Disability Alliance, and our 5,500 disabled members, are calling for actions! We need those standing in the 2024 UK General Election to:

Ask 1: Place disabled people at the heart of tackling poverty and inequality.

Ask 2: Invest in disabled people’s employment.

Ask 3: Invest in public services which uphold disabled people’s rights, advance equality and support independent living.

Ask 4: End disabled people’s social isolation and maximise civic, social and political participation.

Ask 5: Strengthen and uphold disabled people’s rights.

Our Manifesto Asks have been co-designed with disabled people.

To read the full manifesto, including large print and audio formats, click here.

Watch our 2024 Manifesto film below.

GDA Manifesto Film 2024

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