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The Census aims to gather information to help make decisions on public services and make them work for the community.

Scotland’s census (with BSL and subtitles)

The Census happens every ten years and there is a legal requirement for every household in Scotland to fill it in, including those in rented accommodation. In Scotland it is run by the organisation the National Records of Scotland who will write to every household in Scotland with instructions for taking part.

Questions include the type of housing you live in, who you live with, age, gender, health, employment, education, religion, ethnicity, car and van ownership.

The census will open at the end of February 2022. This year, people will be asked to fill in the census online BUT you can also request a paper questionnaire online or over the phone if you prefer to complete the census that way. Accessible formats like Braille, large print, audio and BSL as well as support in other languages will be available.

If you need help with the Census If you are not able to complete the Census by yourself you can ask someone you trust over the age of 16 to do it for you – perhaps a family member, carer or a trusted friend. If you stay in a hostel or supported accommodation the staff can give you advice on completing the Census.

Be wary of Census scams. You do not have to pay any money to complete the Census. If you receive any suspicious texts, phone calls or emails you can call 101, the Police non-emergency number to report it or email [email protected]. You would only receive a call, text or email from the Census team if you had requested it. Someone from the Census team might visit your home only after the 20th March if you have not completed the Census.

For more information about the census, go to

Alternatively, read the easyread here.

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